
Hukom - Paperu

Hukom - Paperu

Hukom sumber bron: wikipedia-H

Hukom - Paperu visit website

Ø Informasi di Atlas Maluku tidak sepenuhnya benar. Di Atlas Maluku menyatakan bahwa Paperu pela dengan Tiouw. Ini salah. Dewan Paperu telah mengirim email ke Maluku Atlas

Ø Information on Atlas Maluku is not entirely true. In Atlas Maluku states that Paperu a pela is with Tiouw. This is wrong. Dewan Paperu has sent an email to the Moluccas Atlas

Ø In Atlas Maluku staat vermeld dat Paperu pela is met Tiouw. Dit is fout. Het bestuur van Dewan Paperu heeft al een mail gestuurd naar Atlas Maluku

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Hukom dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands

Hukom dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands


Hukom A. Castelbianco

Hukom A. Fairsea

Hukom A.A. Fairsea

Hukom A.O. Roma

Hukom Chr. Fairsea

Hukom Chr. New Australia

Hukom E. Fairsea

Hukom E. New Australia

Hukom J. Castelbianco

Hukom J.M. Fairsea

Hukom J.M. New Australia

Hukom J.M. New Australia

Hukom M. Fairsea

Hukom Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 

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Huliselan dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands

Huliselan dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands

Huliselan A. Asturias

Huliselan A.M. Fairsea

Huliselan D.

Huliselan D.S. Castelbianco

Huliselan D.S. Skaubryn

Huliselan E.E. Asturias

Huliselan F. Castelbianco

Huliselan Groote Beer

Huliselan H. Skaubryn

Huliselan H.D. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huliselan J. Asturias

Huliselan J. Castelbianco

Huliselan J. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huliselan J. Roma

Huliselan J.J. Fairsea

Huliselan J.L. Asturias

Huliselan J.M. Fairsea

Huliselan L.C. Groote Beer

Huliselan M. Castelbianco

Huliselan M. Skaubryn

Huliselan M.H. Asturias

Huliselan M.J. Asturias

Huliselan N.M. Fairsea

Huliselan R. Asturias

Huliselan S. Groote Beer

Huliselan W.M. Castelbianco

Huliselan Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 

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Hutubessy  sumber bron: wikipedia-H

Hutubessy sumber bron atlas Maluku 1127 - belum ada informasi - nog geen informatie

Hutubessy sumber bron: nunusaku Hutubessy negeri: Ouw

Hutubessy sumber bron: nunusaku Hutubessy soa: Salahitu

Hutubessy - dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands

Hutubessy A. Groote Beer

Hutubessy E.F. Groote Beer

Hutubessy S.O.

Hutubessy Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 

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Hutuely sumber bron: wikipedia-H

Hutuely sumber bron atlas Maluku 1128 - belum ada informasi - nog geen informatie


Hutuely - dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands

Hutuely A.F. Kota Inten, tweede reis

Hutuely B.E. Skaubryn

Hutuely C.M. Skaubryn

Hutuely D. Kota Inten, tweede reis

Hutuely D.J. Skaubryn

Hutuely E. Skaubryn

Hutuely F. Kota Inten, tweede reis

Hutuely F. Roma

Hutuely F. Roma

Hutuely K. Skaubryn

Hutuely N. Kota Inten, tweede reis

Hutuely S. Skaubryn

Hutuely S. Skaubryn

Hutuely Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier


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Huwae - Ema

Huwae - Ema

Huwae sumber bron: wikipedia-H

Huwae sumber bron: nunusaku soa: Huwae

Huwae sumber bron: nunusaku teun: Sapriti

Huwae sumber bron: nunusaku Asal dari: Allang

Huwae sumber bron: nunusaku gelaran: kep.soa

Huwae  = buaya (sejarah pela allangg-latuhalat) - - - sumber bron

Huwae - Ema Huaressy

Huwae - Ema upu2 mata rumah - website

Huwae sumber bron: Mad Tuharea - Arti Fam - Betekenis achternaam HUWAE BUAYA


Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 

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Huwae - Saparua kota

Huwae - Saparua kota

Huwae  sumber bron: wikipedia-H

Huwae sumber bron: nunusaku Huwae Saparua Kota

Huwae sumber bron: nunusaku Huwae Asal dari: one fam fr.Alang

Huwae  = buaya (sejarah pela allangg-latuhalat) - - - sumber bron

Huwae sumber bron: Mad Tuharea - Arti Fam - Betekenis achternaam HUWAE BUAYA

Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 

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Huwae dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands

Huwae dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Asturias

Huwae Castelbianco

Huwae Groote Beer

Huwae Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae A. Fairsea

Huwae A. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae A.H. Asturias

Huwae A.J. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae B. New Australia

Huwae B. New Australia

Huwae C. Patris

Huwae C.Z. Patris

Huwae D. New Australia

Huwae D. Roma

Huwae D. Roma

Huwae E. Asturias

Huwae E. Fairsea

Huwae E.A. Roma

Huwae E.H. Patris

Huwae E.M. New Australia

Huwae E.N. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae F.E. Asturias

Huwae F.J. Asturias

Huwae F.J. New Australia

Huwae F.W. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae G.H Patris

Huwae G.L. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae H. Asturias

Huwae H. Asturias

Huwae J. Asturias

Huwae J. Fairsea

Huwae J. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae J. New Australia

Huwae J. New Australia

Huwae J. New Australia

Huwae J. Roma

Huwae J. Roma

Huwae J.E. New Australia

Huwae J.J Patris

Huwae J.J. New Australia

Huwae J.L.P. Castelbianco

Huwae L.D. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae M. Asturias

Huwae M. Asturias

Huwae M.M. New Australia

Huwae M.M. New Australia

Huwae O. Fairsea

Huwae O.F. Asturias

Huwae P. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae P. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae Ph. New Australia

Huwae S. Roma

Huwae T. Roma

Huwae W. Castelbianco

Huwae W. Kota Inten, eerste reis

Huwae W.H. Groote Beer

Huwae Z. Goya

Huwae Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 



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Ikanoeboen belum ada informasi - nog geen informatie

Ikanoeboen sumber bron: Atlas Maluku 1130

Ikanoeboen Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier

Ikanoeboen dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands

Ikanoeboen A. Skaubryn

Ikanoeboen A. Skaubryn

Ikanoeboen C. Roma

Ikanoeboen E. Skaubryn

Ikanoeboen Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier


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Imlabla - Tela Tepa - Babar  

Imlabla  sumber bron: wikipedia-I

Imlabla - sumber bron: Atlas Maluku 1132 Tela  

Imlabla dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands

Imlabla A. Asturias

Imlabla D. Asturias

Imlabla E.M. Asturias

Imlabla J. Asturias

Imlabla M. Asturias

Imlabla Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier

Maluku, Molukken, Moluccas, Mijn Mooi Molukken, Spice islands. To other Moluccan sites

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Inta sumber bron: Atlas Maluku 1135 belum ada informasi - nog geen informatie

Inta Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier


Inta dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands

Inta .. Castelbianco

Inta A. Castelbianco

Inta Castelbianco

Inta Groote Beer

Inta Groote Beer

Inta Groote Beer

Inta Groote Beer

Inta Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier


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Jamformiase Jamformiase sumber bron: atlas Maluku 1146 - belum ada informasi - nog geen informatie Jamformiase dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands Jamformiase - B. - Asturias Jamformiase - B. - Asturias Jamformiase B. Asturias Jamformiase B....
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JAIKDELY ? JAIKDELY -  Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 
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FARADILLA ? FARADILLA Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 
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Felnditi ?

Felnditi ? Felnditi Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier  
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Fenanlampir ?

Fenanlampir ? Fenanlampir Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 
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Fernandes ?

  Fernandes ? Fernandes Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 
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  LATULIPPI  - sumber bron: Mad Tuharea -   - 2 uur · Bewerkt · Vind ik leuk BERICHT IS VERWIJDERD Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier
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LAKURLAWAL ? LAKURLAWAL - checken Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier
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Jamformiase Jamformiase sumber bron: atlas Maluku 1146 - belum ada informasi - nog geen informatie Jamformiase dengan kapal ke Belanda - By ship to the Netherlands video by ship to the Netherlands Jamformiase - B. - Asturias Jamformiase - B. - Asturias Jamformiase B. Asturias Jamformiase B....
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JAIKDELY ? JAIKDELY -  Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 
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FARADILLA ? FARADILLA Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 
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Felnditi ?

Felnditi ? Felnditi Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier  
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Fenanlampir ?

Fenanlampir ? Fenanlampir Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 
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Fernandes ?

  Fernandes ? Fernandes Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier 
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  LATULIPPI  - sumber bron: Mad Tuharea -   - 2 uur · Bewerkt · Vind ik leuk BERICHT IS VERWIJDERD Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier
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LAKURLAWAL ? LAKURLAWAL - checken Do you have more info click here - komentar tindis di sini - reacties klik hier
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